Graduate Education Manager data model

Graduate Education Manager adds a number of Destinations to the haplo:user-sync model to enable syncing of project details.

View the data model for your specific application here:

Your Name » Data import » Models » haplo:user-sync

Project title

The project will need a title. The user sync must either sync it from the student information system, or provide a default value.

Status, mode and programme

The phd:project Destination is the project record. If the student information system is the system of record for this data, you will set:

phd:attribute:doctoral-research-project-status to say whether the project is Active, Suspended, etc.

phd:attribute:project-mode for whether the project is full or part time.

phd:attribute:doctoral-research-project-type for the award type, eg PhD, MPhil, etc.

Each of these is likely to have been customised with options specific to your institution.

Once the initial control file is provided by Haplo, you will need to map the codes to Graduate Education Manager’s codes.


In the phd:project:supervisors, phd:project:advisors and phd:project:chairs Destinations, there are fields for the various people supervising the student.

supervisor0 to supervisor3 are the supervisory roles who are directly involved in the supervision of the student, and will participate in approval workflows.

supervisor0 is a traditional primary supervisor or “director of studies”, and the other supervisors are secondary supervisors. It’s important that you have a supervisor in the supervisor0 role, and rename the supervisor roles in the user interface to match your institution’s terminology.

advisor is an additional supervisory role that doesn’t participate in workflows.

chair typically oversees the examination process.

Supervisors are set with the username of the supervisor, which the user sync will turn into a link to the supervisor’s profile.

Each of these Names is multi-value. If multiple supervisors are set in a Name, they will be sorted by username so each run is consistent.

A reasonable strategy is to set the primary supervisor in supervisor0, and all the other supervisors in a multi-value supervisor1.

If any supervisors are mentioned in the sync, all the supervisors on the record are removed and replaced.

If supervisors are managed entirely within Graduate Education Manager, the phd:project:supervisors Destination should not be used to avoid wiping important data.

Project dates

The phd:project:dates Destination allows you to set the project dates for the project. You should always set the project-start@actual date so Graduate Education Manager knows the starting date of the project.

Graduate Education Manager will calculate all the other dates based on this start date and the properties of the project, such as mode and programme. In this case you should avoid using any other dates, as they will prevent the dates rules engine being able to properly recalculate dates.

Please talk to the Haplo team if you need to set other dates so we can advise on the best way to configure your application.