Historical data import

Information about suspensions and extensions for current students is essential for the correct functioning of the project dates calculations. This information is not required for students who have completed or withdrawn.

Previous suspensions and extensions

Details of historical suspensions and extensions for current students must be provided, as without this information, the submission deadline will be incorrect.

Upload the following information via a dedicated task in your Project Room:

  • username of student (to match the username in the user sync)
  • type of record, either suspension or extension (not required if provided in separate files)
  • start date of suspension/extension period
  • end date of suspension/extension period

Changes of mode

Details of previous changes of mode for current students must be provided. This helps with validating the calculation of project dates for these students.

Please provide a file with records containing the following fields:

  • username of student (to match the username in the user sync)
  • date of change
  • type of change (FT-PT for a change from FT to PT and PT-FT for a change from PT to FT)

Historical milestone

If milestones, such as previous annual progress reviews, are available and relevant, they can be provided in a single file with the following fields:

  • username of student (to match the username in the user sync)
  • kind/name of milestone
  • completed date

The milestone ‘kind’ can be any reasonable description of the milestone, it’s recommended to use a code representation instead of a human readable value.

End dates

End dates should be provided for all current students, either within the user sync file or in a single file, so that they can be used for project dates calculation verification.

The following fields should be included:

  • username of student (to match the username in the user sync)
  • kind/name of milestone
  • current deadline

Past projects

While not essential, you may wish to import details of past postgraduate researchers to provide a complete history of a supervisory or examination experience.

When providing a file of previous students do not include any details of current students that appear in the user sync.

Upload the information listed below via a dedicated task in your Project Room.

For supervisory experience:

  • username of supervisor (to match the username in the user sync)
  • Student name
  • Project/Thesis title (optional)
  • Project type (optional)
  • Mode (optional)
  • Supervisor role (e.g. Main supervisor, Co-supervisor) (optional)
  • Project start date (optional)
  • Project end date (optional)

For examination experience:

  • username of examiner (to match the username in the user sync)
  • Student name
  • Project/Thesis title (optional)
  • Project type (optional)
  • Role (e.g. Internal examiner, External examiner, Chair) (optional)
  • Viva date (optional)

Data files

This information should to be provided in a structured format in a single file.
Preferred file format is JSON.